Our uniform has been carefully designed to ensure comfort, functionality, and adherence to our school's values, along with fostering a sense of unity, professionalism, and pride among our students.
1. Design:
The uniform features are:
- For both boys and girls, short and long-sleeved polo shirts with our SJCP logo to match the quarter zip,
- For girls, a plaid skirt that features our school colors,
- For both boys and girls, FlynnO’Hara pants and shorts only.
Previously purchased polos with Saint John’s Catholic Prep in script may still be worn.
2. Dress Code:
The dress code guidelines for the uniform are consistent with the uniform policy found in our handbook. Students are expected to wear the complete uniform as outlined in our handbook. Specific items to note:
- All students must wear black or brown leather dress shoes; boat shoes are acceptable.
- When pants are worn, a black or brown belt should be worn.
- For the Mass uniform, a white oxford shirt must be worn. This item does not have to be purchased through FlynnO’Hara
- For the Mass uniform, a navy blue blazer must be worn. This item does not need to be purchased through FlynnO’Hara.
- The SJCP quarter zip is the only acceptable outerwear during the school day.
- White, blue, or black socks are required for our students to be in full uniform. If a girl chooses to wear the skirt option, the socks must cover the ankle bone.
- When wearing a skirt during the Winter Uniform period, only black or navy blue tights or leggings must be worn.
Failure to adhere to the policies will result in a notification home, expectation to rectify the uniform infraction immediately, and detention.
Please note that grooming and personal hygiene standards remain unchanged. Boys’ hair should be above collar length and facial hair is not permitted. All boys should be clean shaven every day. Boys may not wear earrings, gauges, or have nose piercings.
Girls’ skirts are to be of modest length (no more than three inches above the knee) and may not be altered to be shorter than the standard length. Excessive makeup or jewelry is not permitted. Only ear piercings and wearing of earrings is permitted. No other piercings are allowed, i.e. nose rings/piercings, gauges, etc.
For both boys and girls, eccentric hair colors and styles are not permitted. No visible tattoos are permitted. If a student has a tattoo, it must be covered while on campus.
3. Availability:
We have partnered with FlynnO’Hara, and all items can be ordered through their website.
We believe that the uniform strengthens the sense of belonging within our school community, creates a more collegiate feeling within the hallways and classrooms, and instills a greater pride in our students' appearance and overall school spirit. We kindly request your support in ensuring that your child adheres to the uniform policies in all areas, as it contributes to maintaining a positive and focused learning environment for all students.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the uniform, please do not hesitate to contact us. We greatly value your feedback and involvement in the education of your child.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. Purchase your school uniforms from the link above.