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Student Government Association

The Student Government Association consists of class officers for each grade and an executive council that oversees each class. The positions available in each class are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Religious Commissioner.  The student government leaders at SJCP plan and coordinate a variety of school activities throughout the year such as Homecoming Spirit Week, Stress and Anxiety Management Week, the Winter Warm-Up, and other school-related events throughout the year. This organization seeks to promote community, create a school culture that emphasizes community involvement, and transform students into leaders who place service of others first in their lives.

Questions? Contact SGA Moderator, Ms. Haylee Orlowski

2024-2025 SGA Officers

Executive Council
President Joy Lukama
Vice President Payson Walker
Senior Class
President Danika Hawryluk
Vice President Caroline Clark
Junior Class
President Manny Ryser
Vice President Silas Eaton
Secretary Sophia Schubert 
Treasurer Quinn Fletcher 
Historian Joe Garofalo
Sophomore Class
President Isaac Pilch 
Vice President Sophia Ward
Secretary Serena Treadwell & Norah Guilford
Treasurer Joe Feliz
Historian Lindjie Ulma
Freshmen Class
President Florence Binfon
Vice President Ava Morgan
Secretary/Treasurer Lilliana Booker