Education - The best investment for your child's future!
Investing in the best possible education to prepare your child for college is invaluable. The high school years are when students learn important skills to help them succeed in life, that is why a faith-based college prep education from Saint John's Catholic Prep is so important.
Click on the presentation below to learn more about financial aid and scholarship opportunities.
All scholarships and financial aid will be awarded in the spring semester to be applied toward the upcoming school year. Because a limited amount of aid is available, it is important that families carefully follow the application instructions and deadlines.
Saint John's Catholic Prep recognizes the dedicated employees of Catholic schools. Those who are currently working and have worked in a Catholic school for a minimum of 3 years are eligible for a tuition grant for their children. Qualified applicants can earn up to a $2,000 tuition grant.
$2,000 grant for the first child
$1,000 for each additional child
Employment must be verified
Only one parent eligible
Grant is applied for each year student is enrolled
SJCP receives grant money from a variety of external sources that we award to students who show need.
Must complete FACTS Online Grant & Aid Assessment.
Must have a B average or above (this will be confirmed by your current school’s registrar).
To be considered for these scholarships you must complete the application and return it to Saint John’s Catholic Prep OR your current middle school principal no later than March 15, 2025.
Please see the list of scholarships available through Friends of Catholic Education.
Awards will be made no later than May 31, 2025.
Frederick County Parish Tuition Assistance Fund (FCPTAF)
Must complete FACTS Online Grant & Aid Assessment by March 31, 2025.
Your family must be an active, registered member of the participating Frederick County parishes.
Awards will be made no later than June 1, 2025.
St. Ignatius of Loyola
St. Joseph-on-Carrollton Manor
St. John the Evangelist
St. Katherine Drexel
St. Peter the Apostle
St. Timothy
St. Francis of Assisi - St. Mary
Holy Family Catholic Community
Broadening Options & Opportunities for Student Today (BOOST)
Must complete FACTS Online Grant & Aid Assessment.
This is a state funded program for students who are eligible for free or reduced lunch program.
The West Virginia Hope Scholarship Program is the state’s education savings account program that gives parents an opportunity to build an individual learning experience that works best for their child. The scholarship allows K-12 students to receive financial assistance that can be used for tuition, fees and other expenses.
The Knott Scholarship Funds award four-year, full tuition scholarships to attend a Catholic Elementary or Catholic High School. These scholarships honor Catholic students who excel in academics. Parents can begin their child’s application in the online portal. The portal officially opens January 20, 2025, for the following academic year. They must be submitted no later than 5:00 pm on Thursday, February 27, 2025.
Saint Katharine Drexel holds an essay contest to motivate students to know and appreciate certain teachings of the Catholic Church. The Scholarship essay competition is open to anyone who will be a high school student in the Fall, 2025 and who is a member of Saint Katharine Drexel Parish. The completed application, essay, and letter of reference must be returned by January 15, 2025.