Graduate Profile
Our Students Are Accepted to Some of the best colleges in the nation
Here is a partial list of where some of our graduates have continued their careers at the collegiate level:

Saint John's Catholic Prep is proud of the Class of 2024. Our 71 graduates were offered over $13.5 million in scholarships!
Class of 2024 Awards received:
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Award of Merit was presented to Samantha Andrea Fangmeyer.
National Honor Society Scholarship Award was presented to Harrison James Brady.
Balfour Service Award was presented to Makayla Shaye Ferrell.
Friends of Catholic Education Mount Saint Mary’s Awards were presented to Samantha Andrea Fangmeyer, Kristina Morgan Hindle, and Christine Alexa Nareski.
Dr. Christopher M. Hassett Science Scholarship was presented to Ryan Matthew Sebastian.
State Merit Scholastic Awards were presented to Flora Marie Karpowicz, Thomas Lee Ayers II, Katherine DiAnn DelGrippo, and Ty Alexander Grieser.
C. Markland Kelly, Jr. Athletic Service Awards were presented to Maya Julia Graham and William Brody Kavanagh.
Pierce Athletic Awards of Excellence were presented to Harrison James Brady, Jackson Alexander Bruce, Makayla Shaye Ferrell, Robert LeMoyne Fletcher IV, and Reagan Margaret O'Rourke.
Department Distinguished Scholar Awards were presented to:
- Catherine Hall English Department Award: Emelia Nicole Tippett
- Fine Arts Department Award - Performing Arts: Robert LeMoyne Fletcher IV
- Fine Arts Department Award - Visual Arts: Jinseo Kim
- Sandy Splaine Math Department Award: Thomas Lee Ayers II
- Social Studies Department Award: Katherine DiAnn DelGrippo
- Science Department Award: Ryan Matthew Sebastian
- Technology Award: Thomas Christopher Ju Ament
- Theology Department Award: Christopher Patrick Nelson
- World Languages Department Award: Gabriella Marie Lowry
Salutatorian Award was presented to Thomas Lee Ayers, II.
Valedictorian Award was presented to Flora Marie Karpowicz.